Friday, December 28, 2007

A man can dream can’t he? Or things I’d like to see happen in 2008. Pt 3

Just for a year I’d like to see the media not speak to us [the public] as if we are imbeciles. I know I’d be better of asking for world peace or a cure for cancer but there are good people who go to work each day and actually make an effort to stop both strife and cancer. Sensationalism, unbalanced coverage, sheer fluff is distracting good people from the real problems in the world.


It seems that every year there is a boogie man that is lurking in the shadows that will be the rue of our existence. Muslims, hordes of Mexicans roaming outside of our boarder as if they were zombies, homosexuals, hip-hop, black men, and various life-threatening disease du jour. It’s always seems to be something.

Were you a victim of a Jihad? Did a Mexican take your job? Was your neighbor turned gay by shaking hands the choir director at church? Did Nelly swipe an AMEX card down your daughters butt? Seriously, have you ever met anyone with SARS?

I’m going to step out on a limb and say not to all of these questions. Except that thing about Nelly. That probably did happen. The point is that we always fall for these “talking points” that are spewed out on a weekly basis that only serve to keep us scared and thoughtless so please don’t fall for it in 2008.

Unbalanced Coverage

Ever notice how good the media is at creating villains and victims? Sometimes two men who are common criminals are treated in very a different manner. One was nefarious. The other weak and misguided.

Let’s say that you’re an All-Pro quarterback who embraces a let’s call it an “urban” lifestyle. You aren’t wise enough to strategically pick your friends so one arrest for weed ends up tearing your world asunder. So one small fuck-up alerts the rest of the world to a gigantic fuck-up. Long story short: you find out that there is not honor among thieves and the world learns that you are the head of criminal enterprise that includes gambling and severe cruelty to animals. Bye-bye endorsement deals.

Next, the media that once adored you begins to paint you an insidious villain that lurks in our back yards at night to snatch unsuspecting dogs and force them to battle each other for your delight. Your life is ruined. Your playing days are done.

So you are an elected official in the State of South Carolina. The Treasurer to be exact. You come from a well connected family. Attended the right schools. Your daddy has big-ole, brand spanking new bridge named after him too. Then you are indicted on cocaine distribution charges.

At first it’s a big deal. You are forced to step down. You go to rehab. Your daddy goes on TV and admits to the world that you have a problem with drugs. Then you plead guilty to drug distribution charges.

So you admit to essentially being a drug dealer but your attorneys walk in to a hearing with and straight face and ask for probation. Why? Because the dope wasn’t going to be sold but meted out between you and your friends.

Defendant number one that hurt animals gets 23 months in Federal Prison and now is viewed somewhere between Pol Pot and Joe Stalin on the people I’d want to marry my daughter list.

Defendant number two probably won’t see one solid hour behind bars because we all know that he is truly sorry for what he did. “No your honor, it won’t happen again.

My question is why does the media not raise as large a fuss about dope as it does for dead dogs?

So finally, I’d just like everything to be called down the middle in 2008. . . like it’s supposed to be!


This one is simple. Rich people have always done drugs, smoked, and screwed everything with a pulse. See Jerry Garcia, Rick James, Ray Charles, Elvis, Cher, Billie Holiday, Jimi Hendrix, Johnny Cash, any Kennedy, Howard Hughes, and Charlie Parker. It’s no big shock so please don’t talk about it any more. We get it.
So please just tell us what’s going on. We only need the who, the what, the when, and the why. Please ma’am just the facts.

Friday, December 21, 2007

A man can dream can’t he? Or things I’d like to see happen in 2008. Pt 2

If you just happen to be an old, educated black person who grew up before, during, or after the “Civil Rights” movement just don’t read this. (Your old-ass shouldn’t even know what the hell Myspace or Blogger is any way. Seriously, just go read the local paper, ESPN, or Tom Joyner’s website because you my friend are in the wrong place.) This will offend you. That’s not my intent but I know how y’all are.

''Bill is every bit as black as Barack.''

''He's probably gone with more black women than Barack,''

''It's not a matter of being inexperienced. It's a matter of being young,'' Young said. ''There's a certain level of maturity ... you've got to learn to take a certain amount of (expletive).''

The above quotes were made by former Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young (in Uncle Ruckus’ voice “No relation.”) and are taken from a Chicago Sun-Times piece.

What would I like to see happen in ’08?

I would like “Civil Rights” era leaders such as Mr. Young and older people to think before the speak. It’s about time that the right to say anything you want because you are old enough to remember when dinosaurs roomed the Earth be revoked. (Scroll down and read “Mama’s Gun”.) In this case Mr. Young was trying to be funny for his audience at “News Makers Live” in Atlanta on September 5th but negro stop it. You’re not only embarrassing yourself but any thing your generation ever accomplished.

This isn’t necessarily in support of Obama or but it’s in support of Obama’s generation and those generations that will follow to do “our thing.” That is if “our thing” is productive, legal, or happens to fall into the non-cooning realm. I am in no way trying to be disrespectful, but lighten up. I understand that there will always be intergenerational friction but let’s try to be more constructive in our criticism and guidance of one another from here on out.

The last quote that I have about starts with “It’s not a matter of being Inexperienced. . .” but I would have assumed that some one of Mr. Young’s experience would know better to go on record tear another brother down in such a manner. Once again we are making the same mistakes that previous generations have made. We cannot afford to have any more disconnects between generations. I’m pretty sure some one had issues with MLK’s 27 year-old self leading the Civil Rights movement back in 1954. Then again maybe they didn’t.

Just like in “Mama’s Gun” where D-Lay brings about the point that younger generations screw ups just don’t happen but they are usually observed from some one who is older and supposedly wiser. So if Mr. Young if Obama or anybody that’s 45 and under happens to screw up from time to time just think back to that anti-drug commercial from the late ‘80’s where the kid’s father catches him getting high.

The father then asks “Where did you learn how to do this?”

The pot-head son responds, “I learned it from watching you!”
So older folks we love and respect y’all but remember the term “There’s nothing new under the sun.” So please make the new year new and think before your old-ass runs off with the mouth.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A man can dream can’t he? Or things I’d like to see happen in 2008. Pt 1

If you are not a fan of coarse or harsh language including derisive words like drop-shot, scag, skank, town bicycle, and ho when used in the proper context then please don’t bother to read this blog. If you are offended and just happened to have ignored the first sentence of this disclaimer and read this blog anyway I will not apologize for any thing I say in the following blogs.

I’d love to see Superhead taken away to Guantanamo Bay.

“But Francis, she’s not a terrorist!”

If there ever was a terrorist putting foot to pavement and living among the good people of the U. S of A it’s this ho. (Yes that was in the proper context because she actually took money for services rendered in the realm of sex and “sex related acts.” So yes, she is a ho.)

So who exactly is Head’s target in this great insurgency?

Washed up NBA Centers?


Shook-ass rappers who purchased a turn on Space Mountain with said terrorist and who are now scared shitless that the Mrs. may find out?

Wrong again.

She’s going after the little girls of out community. Superhead’s message mustn’t be heard by another adolescent girl again. Head seems hell bent on destroying the psyche of the daughters of the black community. Head’s books and “I can take a stickin’ and keep on making bank deposits” diatribe isn’t exactly what a young black girl who may just be thinking the road that is life may just be a little to bumpy to ride on in the future should be exposed too. Combine that with the wrong circumstances and a young girl in a bad situation may just take the easy way out and give up face to every longshoreman, small-time dope peddler, and Division 1 running back that may actually see the field on a Sunday in the near future. If it stops some young girl from screwing Gucci Mane in an I-Hop bathroom then I think it’s necessary. Damn it man, this is for our daughters, cousins, and their classmates. This is an outcome that we could possibly prevent by tossing Superhead in a cell. No this is far from a solution but it’s a start.

Then again having Superhead under the guard of that many men with steady paychecks would probably only serve to fatten her bank account, give her more practice in giving out the Hover treatment, and increase the number of cases of the clap in the Marine Corp. So I guess there isn’t a positive outcome after all.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Do it for the kids man!

It’s been awhile . . . © Stain’d

Forgive me for the absence but I haven’t been exactly the chattiest cat for the last month or so. I just had some issues focusing but I decided to drop in and run my mouth for a paragraph or three.

Tuesday was the 6th anniversary of the second day that will go down in infamy. However this wasn’t mentioned to the kids. I found it to be very sad that on all of the media outlets that have a high 16-30 year old audience that 9/11 wasn’t that big of a factor. I know that kids don’t usually give a damn about what’s going on in the world around them but the little self-absorbed shits should be paying attention right about now.

Instead they were bombarded with talk of Kanyetudda and 50 squaring off on BET’s 106 & Park and via Lady Sounds can (With her stinkin’ ass.) Next up was Brittany’s horrible MTV Video Music Awards performance, two syphilitic rockers trading blows, and Kanye’s latest hissy fit. (I wonder if he cried in the store when his mom, Dr. Donda West wouldn’t by him a Hello Kitty doll when he was a kid? He probably did. I can see him now rolling around the floor in a Toys ‘R Us wearing some Brett Hart sunglasses crying over Hello Kitty.)

The kids probably don’t give two damns about Osama and George much in the same way that kids in the 30’s didn’t give a damn about Adolph, Tojo or FDR. That’s fine and in a perfect world that’s the way it should be. The thing is Osama and George care very much about the kids and the world is far from perfect.

The fact the kids have mp3s, flat screens, and respect their classmates who don’t pray to the same God that they do really lights a fire under Osama’s stinkin’ ass. (Seriously he must smell like an abandoned barn by now. He’s been living in a cave for the last 6 years so use your imaginations . . . eww.) The fact that the United States has places like Dearborn Michigan that have high concentrations of Arabs who have managed to carve out a piece of Americana and the Muslim kids there actually don’t hate their neighbors. This too pisses Uncle Osama off.

On the other side of the spectrum George and men of his ilk are very much concerned about the little white kid from a Montana who is about to turn 18 and will probably break a long standing family tradition and vote a little to the left. This is the same kid who thinks that his Sunday school teacher is an idiot for suggesting that Adam and Eve shared the Garden of Eden with velociraptors and T-Rexes. He is also the same kid that may think that the Jena 6 controversy is f*^$#!. (If it were ever on the news.)

My point is that someone should let the kids know that there are caves and rooms full of adults who they will never meet who are scripting their futures. Some of these adults are trying to get the kids to spend their allowance on Kanye or Curtis’ new CDs. Some of these adults are planning the kids’ deaths as martyrs or collateral damage. Some of these adults are adjusting interest rates or voting on county council resolutions that won’t matter in their lives until they are 30. You don’t have to bore the kids with the details of everything that’s going on because they’ll figure it out. Just let them know that there is more going on than what’s happening on Sweet 16.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Don't piss off Todd and Becky

It’s been a couple of weeks since my last post. I would apologize but I don’t owe y’all any damn explanations for my actions. Some things haven’t changed since my last foray on to the internets. © W. I still hate my job! Barry Lamar Bond’s still hasn’t broken any records. Charleston is still hot as hell in July and August. (Seriously, it’s Tarzan hot.) © Neil Simon. I still like Bud Light and sadly the young black male populous of Allendale County are still fond of shooting each other.

Some things have changed.

Pimp C is mad as hell and I love it. Please click the audio link at the end of the article.

BET has managed to out Coon everybody once again. The network’s new shows are just plain embarrassing. “Slightly Offensive Behavior” which is hosted by D. L. Hughley is like “Punk’d” without the fake police harassing black people. “We’ve Got to Do Better” f/k/a “Hot Ghetto Mess” with Charlie Murphy isn’t very embarrassing but it just makes the average black person look as if they haven’t even heard of or read a newspaper in the last five years. “Hell Date” is another version of “Punk’d” but the show revolves around blind dates who are actors. The most disturbing thing about this show is that it features a black midget in a devil costume who pops out of now where to surprise the unsuspecting contestants. O.G. Bobby Johnson and Reginald Hudlin’s (Stick to writing the Black Panther comic.) new fall line up is one colossal poop sandwich.

I usually don’t make sweeping generalizations about groups of people but I’m about to make one. The Iraqi National Soccer team managed not to murder each other for a few days and pulled together to win the Asia Cup (?) on Saturday. The people of Iraq took to the street to celebrate as a nation. Then I realize that the entire nation of Iraq is nuts. Footage of the nation wide celebration were all over the news and it became obvious to me that AK-47s are like I-Pods in Iraq. Due to this fact 7.62 x .39mm bullets provided the soundtrack for the “peaceful” celebration thusly causing two people to be killed. Even when Iraqis aren’t trying to kill each other they manage to kill each other. (Racism.)

*The Mike Vick Section*

I’m a firm believer in due process of the law. I don’t know if Mike Vick is guilty or innocent. I don’t care. I do know that dude is fucked! I would like to see Ron Mexico stand trial and let a jury of his peers and the courts decide his fate. I’m not a Mike Vick or a Falcons fan so I have nothing at stake. So why is Mike screwed?

Well we all know how white folks feel about dogs. (Yes, that was the aforementioned sweeping generalization of which I spoke of.) Don’t try to argue with me either. Just don’t come between our white friends and their pooches. It’s simply not a good move.

I like dogs too. I appreciate the loyalty that they show to their owners no matter what the situation even to the point of putting their own well-being ahead of their owners. I appreciate the fact that a faithful dog will actually get depressed when their person is out of pocket for an extended amount of time. I also like the fact that they aren’t very bright but they keep trying no matter what.

As much as I like dogs Todd and Becky like them even more. They sleep with them. Kiss them. Even dress them up for holidays. In the court of public opinion Todd and Becky have a lot of pull. They will convict you if you screw with their dog and you Mr. Vick have screwed with their precious dogs. Hence the term “Man’s best friend.” Remember the reaction when the Taliban put out the video gassing the yellow lab? I do. I also remember the reaction Mike. The next thing we knew were slapping around every Arab that bothered to get near an airport.

Having read the indictment which includes the charges I hope that Vick didn’t do any of this stuff simply because it was just plain wrong. I just hope Mike Vick realizes that Todd and Becky will remember what you did or allegedly did to the canines when it’s time to buy your shoes and jerseys.

Besides don’t give those idiots at PETA any more excuses to protest. So smarten up dum-dum.

That’s all for now.

“Giggdy Giggdy. Giggdy Goo . . . alright!”

Saturday, July 21, 2007

North Sea Jazz Festival

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of going to the North Sea Jazz Festival in Rotterdam, Netherlands. If you are a lover of music you have to go to one of these things. This is how it is....You pay a healthy price for tickets, but it includes ALMOST everything in the venue (select guest require an additional 20 Euro). They put a bunch of soulful music (of all genres) under one roof and just let them do their thing. But there are some exceptions, Snoop Dogg was there. I am just going to reflect on the weekend's events. Friday: Terence Blanchard, Bilal, Jamie Cullum ...excellent. The Roots were one of the best performances there, hands down!! Buena Vista Social Club- I looked at like a fool when I didn't know they were, but they were impressive. Apparently originators of the Cuban Jazz scene. Al Green was Al Green. Marcus Miller...good Bass player. Saturday: Raul Midon..had his CD for 3 years and performance was even better. India Arie surprised him on stage. He mistaken her for a man initially (He's blind). But after hitting higher notes, he got it. India Arie packed the largest room there and I don't think anyone left with a bad thing to say. She was awesome. Keb Mo (who used to always perform in Charleston but had never seen) was good! I enjoyed his blues. Oh, my mama would just eat that blues talk up! Lura, Portuguese Singer was cool...heavy African influence. Sunday: the worst night Amy Winehouse CANCELLED. This was the main show that I wanted to see and she pulled the okie-doke on us. Not sure I was surprised. Chanto Dominguez was entertaining with this flamboyant dude dancing up front. Good Spanish music + over the top dude dancing = great entertainment. Sly and the Family Stone were okay. Sly performed for about 20 minutes and looked like he was in pain. Not a good look. He still had some voice though. Snoop Dogg was good for what he is. I left during his show because all of THAT gets old. I realized that I am definitely not a fan of most of his songs. They could have, should have booked an old school rap or good hip hop artist. If you ever have the opportunity, go to major Jazz Festival near you. You can't beat getting good music like this under one roof.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

When you read this blog you say "A Bay Bay."

Top Five Wack Songs of the Moment
1. “A Bay Bay” - Hurricane Chris
2. “The Zoo” - Robert Kelly’s ignorant ass
3. “The Coffee Shop” - Young Joc
4. “Shawty” Plies - Tallahassee Pain
5. “Aunt Jackie” - Jason Fox ft The Hood Presidents (Please go to You Tube and see this for yourselves?)

Congrats to my boy Toro and his new Mrs. Cynthia for tying the knot on last Saturday. I hope y’all are extremely happy together. While I was at the reception I realized how so many black folks were kidnapped way back when and brought to the Diaspora. Imagine a boat load of Dutchmen or whatever filthy seafaring Euro-types you like dropping anchor in Sierra Leone and bringing a band out on the deck of the ship. The locals come to see what the white folks want and while gawking at the pink toes they hear what would become a familiar and beloved tune; “The Electric Slide.” So just like every other black person on the planet they found their way to the wooden deck of the would be slave ship and start dancing. I’m willing to bet one of my ancestors probably said this phrase in an African tongue “Girl, that’s my song!” The shackles were then applied thusly beginning 400 + years of misery!

Keep a black woman off of a pole today!!!

On last Monday (July 9th) the NAACP actually held a ceremony to bury the “N” word. Not that burying the “N” (“And by “N” word I mean nigger. There I said it” © White guy from the Chappelle show.) is a bad thing but let’s put some things into perspective. If every black person stop saying “nigger” tomorrow nothing would change for us. Why didn’t he NAACP bury the word “Colored” from their title? How about burying their lackluster leadership for the past 30 years. Screw it. Every black person should get together on a designated Saturday, we can rent a back hoe, and we could just spend all day barbequing and burying. Poverty could go in first. Then gang violence. Next would be institutionalized racism. Institutionalized racism would be promptly followed by our “plantation mentality” © Dr. Goodloe-Johnson. Our deep hatred and contempt for each other could be next in the hole. Gary Sheffield’s ability to speak could go in. Finally we could throw in our crappy school systems so that the next generation of kids doesn’t have to have this conversation! I’m just saying.

English footballer David Beckham is in America now and we still don’t care about soccer. Get over it.

I was flipping past the Jesus channel a while back and I saw Benny Hinn ( preaching to a soccer stadium full of Africans. I was just wondering if anyone in the government is keeping tabs on what he does with his hand! ( I’ve seen this guy level bleachers filled with Koreans and no bodies doing anything about it.

Y’all have a good one.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Mama's Gun

What does it say about a mother, when that mother states that the person that their daughter married is too good for them??? Well, those are the words that I heard coming out of the mouth of a family member. I was shocked. Not because she had that thought but the fact that she actually said it in front of me. Now, most people that know me, know that I couldn’t sit quietly and let this go by. I then asked the mother, well what does that say about you? She said that the daughter is nothing like her and that the daughter has problems. I then said, well you raised her. Then she just stated that, you raise your kids the best you can and then they have to make their own choices. Ok, you can make a statement like that if you actually raised your kids. I had to let it go. In past I have had the tendency to hurt older people’s feelings; I see no purpose in sparing feeling on the account of age (there are some exceptions)….I also have a problem with our elders thinking that they can say whatever they want, whenever they want. I was very happy for the marriage of the family member and saw this event as a turning point in her life. Well, not so much of a turning point. It was more of a sign of maturity.

Now back to the mother….All my life I have seen this mother do the most irresponsible things and say the most idiotic things. Some things were funny, but were very seldom moments of seriousness around this person. The person was absent much of the time when the daughter was growing up. There was the financial support of the mother, but she didn’t realize and still doesn’t realize that money will not mend or build a relationship between people that have not taken the time to relate. The thing that really pissed me off is that when I told the parent to look at herself for the personality “flaws” of her daughter, it went completely over her head.

The point of my ranting on and on is, some people just do not think before they speak! There is the saying, “If you don’t have anything to say, don’t say it at all.” Well, I don’t believe in that saying because if there is nothing good to say, then I am not going to say anything good if I don’t want to. I just know who to say these things too. Evidently, this mother didn’t know who she was talking to because I lost so much respect as a result of the statement.

But who am I to tell a person how to raise their kids? And who am I to want people to start thinking before they speak. I have no kids and I often pop off at the mouth. The answer is, I don’t know. I just know what I know.

Monday, July 9, 2007

"Ooo baby you want me?"

Pharrell Williams, Chad Hugo, and Shea (N.E.R.D.) are geniuses. You may be asking where I’m going with this. Sit tight and it’ll all make sense soon. Uncle Frank promises you it will.

There was absolutely nothing worth watching on TV this weekend thusly breaking my sloth-like heart. So when I wasn’t with Ms. Moneypenny, wasn’t sleeping, wasn’t eating, and not sending and receiving a million text messages (Steve, Lane Bryant. WTF?) I flipped channels finding very little amusement. *Side not: History Channel I need more warfare and a little less ice road trucking.*

During my incessant channel-flipping I noticed that every time I flipped past a news or news type channel (That would be you FOX News.) I noticed potential presidential candidates or one of their family members talking to or pressing the flesh with “normal folks” throughout the lower 48. *Michelle Obama looks as if she could kick the ass of most men. I seriously wouldn’t piss Mrs. Obama off. Her hubby probably has the bruises to prove it.* Seeing all of the stumping going on made me think of one of the best extended metaphors ever used in hip-hop: The entire song “Lap Dance.” By N.E.R.D.

Pharrell and the young t-shirt crew took the time to masterfully compare politicians to skrippers. Know what? They were right. If you hold your lunch, imagine Bill Clinton approaching a female voter and saying in his sleaziest voice, “Hey sweet thing. What do I have to do to get you to vote for Hillary? I’ll do anything.”

Is that any different from you and your boys hanging out in some hole in the wall and fielding this query from a half-drunk, gum popping, bad weave wearing, cast off from a Luke video asking, “What I gotta do to get a dance?”

Overall it’s the same hustle. Just switch the false promises of getting rid of Mexicans and lowering taxes with an ideal of having big butt in you crotch for the length of a song with about 120 bpms (beats per minute.) After the election and the song is over all you have left is the feeling of wanting more. You may find yourself short about 20 bills, a campaign donation, and possibly a vote in the general election. Once all three transactions have transpired you probably just sit back and speculate if you money, time, and vote were spent wisely.

Friday, July 6, 2007

People you should be tired of. Or why Sean Combs needs to move to the Cong0

“Puffy. . . I hate that bastard!”

I uttered those words 10 years ago on a hot spring day while awaiting my parole hearing from Allendale Fairfax High with my boys Mario and Leonard. At this point in time Sean was just a minor nuisance. Much akin to a gnat or a bad child at the barbershop just annoying enough to get on your nerves but not annoying enough to piss you off. I still didn’t like him.

Biggie Smalls died a few months before this so there was a large void on Sean’s label Bad Boy. 112 has just started what at the time looked like a promising career. Sean then put Mase and the Lox on the corner in their shiny suits to start turning tricks for Sound Scan and TRL. *”The Benjamins” was hot but Jadakiss on TRL just doesn’t work.*

Taking all of this into consideration something about Sean Combs bothered me. More than Percy Miller ever could. Fast forward a couple of years and this clown had a firm foothold on the American conscience. He was everywhere: Pepsi Commercials, clothing ads *I can’t front Dude has nice clothes.* He was dating America’s favorite Puerto Rican, and having gun fights with Shyne. Sean was a certified star.

Sean decided to create “Made for TV” music groups. You know how it goes. Auditions are held. Wannabes are chosen and a band is ran through the ringer by Sean and his lackeys. He has done this four times what did we get? A hilarious spoof on the Chappelle’s Show that let us know Dylan was hot fire. Then we got Babs who was the world’s ugliest female rapper. (She makes Snoop from The Wire look like Jane Kennedy. [Mos Def c.]) Finally, we got Danity Kane (With D.Woods) who actually managed to sell more records then Puffy’s last CD “Press Play.”

His label released more than a few decent albums and actually put out good music. After all of this his ego got in the way and he continued to push him self and his label above his talented artists. That’s right kids before Cassie got a record deal for being cute while there was actually talent on Bad Boy once upon a time. During the last 10 years Sean managed to squander and misuse his once talented stable of artists. Faith bounced. John Legend did to Carl Thomas what R-Kelly did to Aaron Hall. 112 are on a milk carton somewhere and Total are waiting on their WIC vouchers.

Now Sean is back with the fourth installment of Making the Band. Silly Sean never learns does he? Groups created by yourself and Viacom never work and yet you keep whoring it up for the cameras. The kids on the show actually thing it’s about them when in reality the entire making the band franchise exists so that you can keep your name hot for just a little while longer. It’s a long way to the bottom Sean so before you fall just stop putting out crappy music or find some artists with real talent and go away.

Random Thoughts: Never have an affiar with a man named Cutts.

Once again the B.E.T. awards aired and I didn’t watch it. I’m a better person for not seeing any of it. My soul, intelligence, and inner blackness thank me for not watching twice a day. No Hudson, Fantasia, T.I., Beyonce, and I feel great about it. I hate you B.E.T. (Except for Rocsi and Danella.) and the horse you rode in on.

Two weeks pro wrestler Chris Benoit flipped out and merced his entire family. He killed his wife on Friday. He killed his little boy on Saturday allegedly using his finishing move to do the deed. Finally on Sunday Benoit pulled a “von Erich” hanged himself thus completing the time honored “murder suicide” routine. (Somebody call Grissom, Nick, and Warrick.) Benoit’s costly flip out has been blamed on “roid rage” and illustrates something that anyone that has watched wrasslin’ has known for some time: Vince McMahon (Owner of the WWE) and everybody that is involved is on steroids. The average wrestler type is bigger than most NFL players and gets injured more often. Over the past 20 years wrestling has racked up a casualty rate than a group of rappers. Every death can be linked to three things: Steroids, liquor, and painkillers. I know wrestling is fake but steroids are still illegal. George Mitchell and the feds are spending a lot of time grilling baseball players but Barry Bonds has never killed anyone. *That we know of any way. If you dug up his back yard I wouldn’t be shocked if there were a couple of dead white women there.* Baseball players die of old age for the most part. Wrestlers can say that. I thought I’d never say this but leave Barry alone and do something about wrestling.

Competitive Eating is the most useless and vile acts ever shown on television. *NMN, whenever you get back to this coast you and I have a chicken wing eat-off to settle.*

*Disclaimer* I seldom jack other institutions or writers for their ideas but I doing it write now. This weeks sign that the apocalypse is upon us (Sports Illustrated c.) : Professional whore/pin cushion/rental bicycle/writer Karinne Stephens b/k/a Superhead is penning yet another books in which she plans to drop dimes on her former clients as well illustrate how low her self-esteem is. *I’d like to apologize to Ms. Moneypenny, my two sisters, and any other female who is about to read this but here it goes.* What about this logic makes sense? I hate myself inside. I think I’ll *&^ DMX, write a book about it, and go on Oprah and pretend I didn’t know what I was doing. Men please take care of your daughters because we can’t keep this letting this happening.

Last but no least it is time for our Silly Ass Negro of the week. His name is Bobby Cutts Jr. is the latest black man to pull and Othello (kill his white lover/baby mama/paramour) and come up with a hooky ass plan to try to cover it up thusly giving Nancy Grace’s bloated, shrill, and disturbingly pregnant ass something to talk about. Thanks for setting us back a few years.

Hang in there Mario.

Y’all have a good weekend.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

July 4th 2007----Last Call

July 4th 2007---Last Call

"I have taken my last drink!" For those of you that have known me for any extensive amount of time, you've probably heard me utter those words at one time or another. But today I said for the first time and I actually meant it.

I've made promises to people on two separate ocassions that I would give up alcohol for good. Those promises lasted for about 24 to 48 hours, or whenever the next weekend was in sight. I looked my mother in the face and told her that I was giving up alcohol, which was an absolute lie. I then proceeded several months later to look in the mirror and say we're giving up alcohol; again I failed in my quest. But there is a difference today because of the person that I made the promise to. I've promised God that me and alcohol were divorcing. That's the person that I should have made the promise to years ago. But being the coward that I am, I needed an incident to occur that would forever change my view on alcohol and what we've been through together. Obviously, people do stupid things when they get drunk, but I am told that after cooking a dynamite 4th of July meal, I transformed into a different person and I reached a new low. I had been drinking for several hours and I continued to drink. I like to drink. It is one of my favorite things to do. I enjoy the taste of it. I wasn't abused as a child or anything like that, I just like to drink! Before I reveal the stupid thing that I did, let me give you a brief history of what alcohol does to me.

It is a drug! It is a controlled substance, yet still a drug! And just like any other drug, it can destroy your family. I am the great grandson of a man named Joe. I'm told that Joe would hop on his mule in Allendale, SC and go to town on pay day not to return unitl all of his money was spent on both alcohol and gambling. I'm told that Joe had a loving wife at home, and several daughters, one of whom was my grandmother. Joe passed on then my grandmother inherited his same passion for alcohol. I'm not sure that abuse of alcohol directly lead to her passing, but I am certain that it didn't help keep her alive. I never met her because she died some years before I was born, but the stories that I hear are epic. My grandmother had a two sons and several daughters with one of the sons being my father. My father also has abused alcohol for many years and he still does today. His son inherited the cycle and began abusing alcohol on a weekly basis.

People see alcoholism as something that only affects people that can't hold down a job or somebody that gets drung on a daily basis. But in reality, alcoholism comes in several different forms. An alcoholic is a person that abuses alcohol routinely. It could be daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or whatever as long as it is a part of a routine. My abuse has been for a while weekly. People didn't know it, but I routinely abused alcohol. I was what people in elementary school told me when I was in the 4th grade a functioning alcoholic. I would get drunk, fall down, forget things, and other things. NONE of those things really enticed me to quit drinking. But what I did on the 4th of July 2007 forced me to change my view on the vice that I have grown to love over the last decade or so of my life.

After several drinks, I began to talk to my wife in a manner that no woman should ever be talked to. On the surface, you would think that this wasn't a serious problem so to speak. But the way that I talked to her was awful. Basically, I was talking to her in a controlling manner, telling her what she was going to do and when she was going to do it...pretty much the way that one would talk to an animal. What's worst is that I didn't remember any of it. She revealed to me when I woke up that I had said some mean things, but she left it at that. But my cousin Starr who was present during my rant explained to me in detail the awful truth of what I had done. It made me feel low. I began to think about my relationship with alcohol and all the bad things that I've done because of it. But nothing made me want to kick the habit more than me finding out I disrespected so disgustingly the woman that I make my home with. So I decided that I have taken my last drink, and I ain't going back!

Alcohol is poison. Now if you accidentally eat a pinch of poison, you get sick and you live to tell the story. But if you continue to eat the poison, then eventually you will die. Now I have never driven a vehicle drunk or anything like that, but I've had it with this. It will destroy me if I'm not careful, so the logical thing is to just give alcohol up for good.....and I'm really happy about it.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Environmental Consciousness-less Pt 2 Who Stole the Soul?

D-Lay, thanks for tagging me in on this one. Who stole the soul? That was an excellent question when Chuck D asked it way back when but I think is still more relevant now. Duane, who penned the first part of this blog and I were having a conversation a couple of weeks ago when he was stateside. We were headed to do some drinking (Imagine that: Duane and I drinking together. It never happens, honest.) and one of the things we always talk about is music. Duane made the comment that foreign artists still put soul into music. He continued to explain how “black “ music that comes from overseas still contains the raw emotions that American “black” music used to have. *No disrespect to American artists still doing their thing.*

D-Lay rests his head in the Netherlands so he knows what he’s talking about. I listen to the BBC’s “black” radio station, 1Xtra, at work from time to time and as far a straight R&B goes the Euro types seem to have figured it out. American artist whose careers faltered on this side of the Atlantic find new life in England and continental Europe. Honestly the music isn’t all great but it tends to be better than what the folks at Clear Channel are shoving down your throat every hour. Sure they listen to T-Pain in England but you don’t hear “Buy U a Drank” every three minutes.

The flag ship American artists continue to let me down every time. R-Kelly’s evil yet talented ass will mail in a song in a heartbeat. Come on man what is your problem? Kells, stop making music that your 12 year-old date would like and do some grown folks shit like we know you can! Paychecks withstanding don’t you have any pride? “I’m a Flirt” “Same Girl” are you serious negro? *How in the hell do two men as talented as Robert Kelly and Usher Raymond go into a studio and come out with a shitty track like that? That’s like Mike Jackson and Stevie Wonder do a collabo in 1983 and coming up with “Somebody’s Watching Me.”*

What kind of world do we live in when white folks are making better “black” music that black folks? *I meant that in a nice way. I have a lot of white friends, honest.* Amy Winehouse’s drunk ass and Jason Seaver’s baby boy are holding it down for the moment, but they didn’t steal the soul. They just found it laying in their neighbor’s trash and took inside to use it for themselves. Raphael Saadiq and Betty Wright let Joss Stone use some of their soul and guess what? It’s working. Black artists like Anthony Hamilton need your help to keep soul music ours. We threw away the blues and white folks took it. Let’s not do the same thing with R&B.

Fuck it. If T-Pain keeps recording I’m gonna start listening to Green Day!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Environmental Consciousness-less

Man, bad music is taking on the likeness of global warming. It seems like it is here to stay. Those who care want to stop it. Those who saw it coming tried to stop it. It is evident in our environments. It is even causing the people to dress and act differently. Now, the only difference there is that temperature will force people to change the way they dress. As for these folks that are being remote controlled with their style and behavior, I don’t think that Oprah can have a show that will affect their momentum.
Why everybody got to look so hard and try to be so tough? What’s happenin’?

Ok, alright…what I am saying may be a little cliché-ish. It is just that my sensitivity to this new “culture” has intensified since I have been across the water. Oh, the influence of this music is happening everywhere but at a much slower rate than the US. Man, the dudes are still wearing shags and the girls creating ‘baby hair’. (yeah, I am talking about the gel down hair-line edges and sideburns) All I could think when at home was, Don’t trust dem new niggas…. Now, on to what I heard when I came home, and what I saw in the videos.

People with this comment. Radio may need to be controlled in some way. Well, it already is because you hear the same things over and over again, but the things that they are allowing to be played over the wave are ridiculous. I have to listen to see which songs my little nephew is singing to. Although he may not know the meaning of what he is really saying, the population of young people understanding the music is growing out of control.

Before I went home a month ago, I was really looking forward to hearing the new music that was being played. The Netherlands are good for playing old hits of all genres. One day its Nelly and the next it is the Bee Gees or Shakira. If it isn’t that, it is house music. I didn’t really want to hear that at home. A lot of the soul music that can be found in the US doesn’t penetrate the rest of the world. That is what I wanted to hear….some true R&B, Soul and Hip-hop. All I got was T-Payne. Why?? Why do I get T-Payne people? Mr. Teddy Pender-ass-down! Come on dawg! You can’t come better than that? And these people are treating him as if he were the G.O.A.T. The content of the songs that are being played is terrible….its a bunch of Horse-sh**. Oh, and I cannot deal with another R. Kelly soap opera. Actually, If I am to go back to the global warming parallels form earlier, R. Kelly would be what ever is leaking through and continuing to expand the ozone hole over Antarctica.

I will get off of my soap box for now… but before I go, lean over to your neighbor and tell him/her to stop wearing dark sunglasses indoors, at night, etc… That was made for TV.

I will end with saying:
I love music, I love hip-hop (although a am green when compared to my boys Frank and Mario). I just hate the direction that MOST are taking it.

Peace. D-Lay

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Would you run into a fire?

“I think the R. Kelly album is an abomination of black people.”
9th Wonder

Young Joc’s second CD was pushed back proving to me that prayer does work.

“How could they risk nine people like that?” This question was posed by one of my bosses in the aftermath of Monday night’s disaster that took the life of nine of Charleston’s fire fighters. Naturally I wanted to respond to the blatantly stupid question with the answer it deserved but I couldn’t. I really had to stop myself from blurting out, “That’s what they do!” It amazes me how some people can be so out of touch with things that aren’t on their radar.

Tim Duncan is a boring, lumbering, beast who happens to be the best power forward ever. He’ll score 30 points in the most unexciting manner possible. He also has four rings . . . respect the crown.

Lebron James on the other hand is going to be a beast. He reminds me of my parents’ dog, Champ. He’s big, strong, fast, and he hasn’t quite figured out how to coordinate all three of these elements at the same time. King James probably doesn’t slobber.

Buy a black person a book today!

South Carolina State Treasurer Thomas Ravenel is more of a hard body than your favorite rapper. The man who once said that if he were elected the U.S. Senate he would get rid of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) because the Federal Government shouldn’t be in the business of “making ghettoes” (Actually Uncle Sam is rather good at creating hoods. Good to any military bas and I can guarantee there are check cashers, crack houses, and a few whores within a ¼ of a mile of the main gate.) was indicted for cocaine possession with the intent to distribute which is a felony. He’s everything Rick Ross wants to be.

Tyler Perry’s new show “The House of Payne” sucks. I’ve seen two episodes and I haven’t laughed or cracked a smile once. I’d rather watch American Idol than this s*&^!

The Top Five Wack Songs of the moment: 1) “Beautiful Girls”-Sean Kingston 2) “Krispy”- Khia Shine (I’m upset at Eightball & MJG for even showing there face in this video.) 3) “Amusement Park”- 50-Cent 4) “Bartender”-T-Pain 5) “Big Things Poppin”- T.I.

"This happened to Malcolm X, this happened to Paul Robeson -- this misconception can happen to any man of power that loves himself and wants to spread that love and that humanity throughout the world” This is what Isaiah Washington said about losing his job on Grey’s Anatomy because he called another cast member a “faggot.” Silly-Ass Negro.

Please remember to pray for the families of the nine firmen who gave their lives on Monday.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Food and Liquor

The good ole’ U. S. of A!!! That is the thought that continued to go through my head as my trip back home (after 8 months of working abroad) approached. I thought about all of the good food, hanging out, seeing my family/friends, driving cars, colored chicks with 401K’s and life insurance policies…ahhhh Amerika!!!

Then to break it down further, I started to think of all the individual family and friends I was going to see. I would have the best conversations with my peeps when I was home, and I started to look forward to that. I missed the little nightlife I had in the QC. I missed the music….oh, I can go on and on.

Why am I saying all of this one may ask. Although my trip to the US was pretty good overall, I was very disappointed with some of the things that I observed and encountered. I started to realize why Tina Turner likes living in Europe so much. I think that living over here can be an escape from the reality of the US….You can just go back and get a dose of it whenever you feel like it. Well, I am not to that point and I doubt that I will ever feel way exactly; I love my family and friends and I value spending time with them way too much.

I will highlight a few of the things that I had issues with as I swam in a sea of weddings and socializing this past month. My topics/issues/incidents are:

Music in the US and it’s “culture”
Friends and Family….don’t sleep on them.
Does anyone know what to do or say anymore?
Customer Service jobs

These issues may be combined because they can relate to each other. The list may actually grow as I begin to remember other things on my trip. I am just having a lot of Random Thoughts and would like to share.

I will elaborate on each point in the days to come.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007



It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.

Andre Gide (1869 - 1951)

Hate is so akin to love that without one, the other can't exist. When you realize that you are hated, so is an exhilarating feeling. It is a feeling of being alive. It's almost like the breath of life has filled your lungs for the first time. Life flows through your veins for the first time when you are hated.

I don't know what it is like to hate anyone. I don't even know what it is like to dislike someone. Every person that exists in your world plays some significant role into you becoming you! And that is including the people that seem to do every horrible thing imaginable to you. All things shape your being good and bad. If bad things and bad people and bad events didn't take place, there would be no measurement for what something good is. Bad things shape our being.

The above quote is a testament to being true to yourself. There is nothing, or noone that should make you change who you are for their love. Eventually acceptance has to come into play and the realization has to set in that despite all of your struggles to prove your worth, you are worth only as much as the object of your affection values you. It doesn't matter if you're willing to give your life for something or someone....if that something or someone doesn't value you in the same manner, your many attempts are futile.

So if you're not the exact same special thing that you've placed so much importance on in the eyes of another's list of important things, don't worry. And don't do anything to change you to make a difference in the way that person feels about you. Because "It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not."

Friday, June 1, 2007

Random Thoughts: The extra silly ass negro edition.

I know we are stuck in the Middle East but any government who would employ this guy needs to be topple. Yeah, I know other countries could say that about us but read the link any way.


Thursday, May 31, 2007

Random Thoughts: You dead dawg. The silly ass negro edition.

“You dead dawg [expletive]. Your kids too.”
Elijah Dukes, Right-fielder Tampa Bay Devil Rays

More props to Allendale County. Anjana Kumar or Allendale competed in the Scripps National Spelling Bee. She was knocked out in the first round but the trip was an accomplishment none the less.

There’s nothing like the sound of a negro who needs serious anger management. The above comment was left by Elijah Dukes on the voicemail of his hopefully soon to be estranged wife. To top things off he took a picture of a pistol and e-mailed it to her via his cell phone. The voicemail and picture incidents occurred after he went to the middle school where his wife teaches and “shows his ass” for the world to see. Does playing for the D-Rays make a man that angry? When asked about all of his previous actions by the press Dukes comments could be considered extremely sophomoric for a 22 year old. He responded with these gems: “I’m just going to play ball, that’s it.” And “I’ve got to go. I’ve got a video game to finish.”

While I’m on athletes someone please tell Mike Vick’s silly-ass what “exonerated” means. While your doing that please let him know that when some asks if you think you will be “exonerated” that you always respond with the word “yes.”

After you finish hooking Mike Vick up. Please give Kobe a hug.

I’m amazed that people still get tuberculosis. I thought that shit died out with Doc Holliday.
I took a short vacation this week and today was my first day back at the plantation. I spent the mornings of my days off at the gym and the rest of my days doing absolutely nothing. Due to the fact that I usually drink about 96 ounces of water while I’m at the gym it’s only natural that I have to “go”[Not on the cars of any strippers however.] at some point during the gun show. So I “go” and I happen to notice that the urinal cakes have a “Just say no to drugs” message on them. That brought me to the conclusion that the war on drugs is over and done and the “good guys” [If such a thing exists.] didn’t win. If you have to post your propaganda on urinal cakes maybe you should just bow out.

Yesterday was my 28th birthday. I feel like I’m 25. Act like I’m 52 and want to be 65 so that I can retire and talk shit with the boys all day.

Friday, May 25, 2007

An open letter to Mr. Henry Aaron

Dear Mr. Aaron,

I’d like to call you “Hank” but that’s just disrespectful. If anybody deserves to be called “mister” it’s you. You’ve done so many great things for baseball and I’d like to thank you for every one of them. Unfortunately this letter is about Barry. Yes, that Barry.

I realize that you, his late father Bobby, and his god father Willie Mays were contemporaries. All three of you were stars of baseball’s golden age. This leads me to understand why you’ve taken such a diplomatic stance on Barry’s pursuit of your homerun record.

Just like every other aspect of your public life you decided to be the bigger man. Throughout the segregation of you early career, the rampant racism you endured while playing in Atlanta, and even the death threats to you and your family during your own pursuit of Babe Ruth you played the bigger man. You took it all in stride and made every single one of you detractors look like the fools they were because in the end you did what had to be done. You succeeded. That’s why I count you as one of my heroes.

I only know of you through your legacy, highlights, and the comments of your peers. Your former teammate, Joe Torre once said that he, “Never saw you make a mistake.” I’ve never heard that said about any other athlete. It is because of your legacy I say this to you: Being the bigger man is overrated sometimes! Barry Bonds has not been convicted of any crimes nor has he failed a single drug test but something isn’t right.

He went from barely being a 40-40 man to hitting 70 plus homeruns a year in his mid to late 30’s. So before I commit libel I’ll say this to you: Mr. Aaron just say you don’t want to see Barry break you record because he’s a piece of crap. You don’t have to use your age as a cover-up for traveling. I for one wouldn’t blame you for it. Besides you’ve earned to right to scream on somebody.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Random Thoughts: Strippers are people too.

“And everywhere that my crew goAnd every hoe that my crew knowAnd every show that my crew blowYou know we get down, you know we get down”

Tracey Lee “The Theme (It’s Party Time)”

First things first, congrats to the Allendale Fairfax High School track team. The boy’s actually won the school’s first track championship in 39 years and the girl’s team managed to finish second. Members of both teams won or finished in the top three in several events.

Jewal Christian Jordan I hope you are reading this because I wanted to let you know that you and I aren’t finished.

There is no masculine way to drink from a straw.

M.I.M.S. is the 2007 version of Tracey Lee. I actually thought about this a couple of days ago when I was at Sam’s Wholesale with my boy Duane. Mimsy made things worse when I saw him on MTV this morning defending his glaring lack of lyrical ability. He gave the usually “I make music that the people want to hear” spiel. Think about it like this. His one single “This is Why I’m Hot” will probably outsell Common, Pharoahe Monch, and Talib Kweli’s three upcoming CD’s combined. Forget dumb rappers, dumb listeners need teaching!

If M.I.M.S. is Tracey Lee. T-Pain is the new Oran Juice Jones.

Do the people who run McDonald’s actually think that giving you two apple turnovers will make you forget about the fact that you just wasted 15 minutes of your life waiting on their sorry asses to get your food ready? While you wait you are forced to listen to the conversations of the sorry ass workers. These range from “Why I hate my job.” To “Why I hate my baby daddy.” Two stale apple pies just don’t make up for that.

“As for the Mormon [Mitt Romney] running for office those who really believe in God will defeat him as always, so don’t worry about that. That’s a temporary situation.” I’m glad we have strong black leaders like Al Sharpton.

No matter what any one tells you strippers are people to . . . so don’t piss on their stuff. Besides is that what you want to be doing when Jesus comes back?

That leads me to this next point: Never OVER ESTIMATE the maturity level of college educated men. They’ll let you down every time. I’m honestly starting to think that stupidity is contagious. That would explain all three branches of government and the numerous packs of young men roaming the planet doing horrible shit. (Al Qaeda, Bloods, Crips, and the Dipset are perfect examples of my point.)

The Reverend Jerry Falwell passed away last week. I’m not going to speak ill of the dead but he wasn’t a nice guy in any sense of the word. For somebody who claimed to be a prophet he was extremely hateful. He blamed 9/11 on abortionists and homosexuals. Hell he blamed abortionists and homosexuals for almost everything.

Finally I’d like to give props to ESPN’s Page Two columnist Jemele Hill for disputing a poll suggesting most black people support Barry Bond’s chemical assisted chase for Hank Aaron’s homerun record. She basically dispelled the notion that black people all think the same way about every single issue. As much as I love baseball the point of her article transcends the sport.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Tons O' Guns

"tons o' guns everybody's getting strapped tons o' guns got to watch the way you act tons o' guns real easy to get tons o' guns bringing nothing but death tons o' guns are in the streets nowadays "
Guru of Gangstarr "Tons o' guns"

A couple of weeks ago Seung-Hui Cho, an English major at Virginia Tech decided to take it upon himself and lash out at the rich, privileged, and anyone else that just happened to be around when he snapped. By now we all know the story and what happened so there is no need to repeat those unfortunate events here. What happened was deplorable. There is no other way to describe what went down.

There are bigger issues that need to be talked about; gun control. America brings the conversation up every now and then- - mostly when someone does something highly illegal with a gun. Then we talk about what happened on the news but then the conversation goes away. It is usually replaced by some white woman who was kidnapped or Paris Hilton getting another case of the clap or a DUI. This continues for years until another group of innocent people get mowed down while minding there own business.

Americans has been packing since day one. It who we are and what we do. We’ve all seen the bumper sticker that reads “You can have my gun when you pry is out of my cold dead hand.” As a nation we pack so much heat that is a guaranteed right. You never know whom you had to deal with on a day-to-day basis: King George, bloodthirsty Indians, uppity slaves, and their abolitionist backers. I don’t have a problem with people having guns but I just have reservations about who gets to own them. Frankly, guns remind me a lot of pit bulls. Most of the time they are harmless but every now and then a pit bull mauls a toddler and destroys the life of a family. Just like a gun in the wrong hands. The average guy who goes hunting, protects his home, and obtains guns through the proper channels is probably not going to make his neighborhood pub look like a John Woo movie if an argument breaks out. The NRA types aren’t going to do anything insane and they usually aren’t carrying B.A.R’s or Tommy guns. It’s the wild cards that scare me.

Wild cards like Cho. My first question is how can a non-American citizen obtain a gun legally in the post – 9/11 world? I’m clearly not an “us vs. them” type but does that even make sense. If he could do it any random, angry foreign national with the right paper work could just buy a gun legally and then commit any heinous act he felt like. Then we get another disaster to talk about until Nancy Grace hears about some random white girl getting snatched up somewhere.
In addition to the Cho types you have to deal with the average criminal inhabiting your local hood or trailer parks. They are just as dangerous and probably even more reckless which makes them that much of a threat. To make things worse their guns aren’t even registered. Sure they don’t accrue the body count the Cho did but they are just as dangerous. Some serious screening needs to take place before someone can legally get heat. If not things like the Virginia Tech incident will keep occurring every couple of years. Just a little something for everyone to think about while y’all are cleaning your guns.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Dear Marcus(Mark):

Dear Marcus:

What's up bro? I prayed every night that you would somehow pull through, but I guess it was just God's design. You never know how God can place certain people in your life that make such an impact that it shapes who you are. Brother that's what you have done for me. You have inspired me in ways that you can never imagine. What hurts me the most is that I never took the opportunity to tell you everything. Despite my negligence, I'm sure you knew.

You're a big reason why I'm who I am today. You took me under your wing as if you knew me your whole life when we first met. You treated me as if we were brothers. And if I didn't show my appreciation enough through the years brother it has been an honor knowing you.

But the longer we knew each other, I realized the impact you made on everyone you met in your short life. Everybody knew you and everybody loves you.

There are so few people in the world that can say that about themselves. You hear people say good things about people all the time and sometimes it's not all true....but when we tell your story, it's 110% true! You didn't have one bad bone in your body. You were a genuinely good person, so selfless that you seemed to be more concerned about making others feel good even before yourself.

I remember when we really started having success with The Royal Palace and how it was so many nights that I didn't feel like doing the show, or keeping in character, but your inspiring attitude taught me something that I will carry with me for as long as I live. You taught me that when people expect something of you, it is your obligation to do it. You taught me that without ever telling me in words. But that's what was so incredibly remarkable about you. You spoke volumes without uttering one word.

I will cherish the time we spent together at WU and beyond, and I wish that there was more time. We had a lot of fun together, but we'll keep all of the details of that fun between Royal Fam! lol

Since you passed on, I've been thinking about what we said to each other the last time that we had a chance to hang out. I said that I'll see you the next time and we gave each other a hug. I've been thinking that if I knew it would be the last time that I saw you, I would have said more, but it was enough. I know that I'll see you on the other side in paradise my friend.

You're gone, but your name and your service during your time on earth will never be forgotten. I will never let them forget you. Ever! Your story needs to be told over and over again so people can learn to be more like you. That is my promise to you. I can never repay you for what you've done for me, but to show my appreciation for you, I will make sure that people will remember Marcus Austin and what you meant to so many!

I love you brother and I'll see you when I get there!

your friend,

The Mario Washington, A.K.A. Grand Monarck, Royal Fam Forever!


L-O-V-E, L-O-V-E, L-O-V-E....the word is used so loosely these days that we have forgotten the true meaning of it. It's that indescribable feeling you have when someone asks if you're in love. Love is a myriad of things. It's that churning in your stomach when you smell that certain fragrance that reminds you of what you have or what you had. Love is that song that you hear on the radio that somehow puts you back into the mindset that you felt the first time you fell in love. It's everything that reminds you of the things that no matter what's going on can make your heart flutter for that split second, or that thing that causes your bottom lip to quiver at the thought, or the nervous reaction that causes your fingers to shiver even on a warm summer night.

How many of you can say that you ever felt this? How many can say that something has tugged on their emotions so much that a tear wasn't able to be formed? How many of us tell each other that we love each other?

The more we say it....the less it means. The word is used so effortlessly in 2007. People say it all the time, but without the above emotions, is it really love? People say they love to read, write, or sing, but if these emotions aren't garnered, then it can't be love.

And now when people hear the words "I love you," its meaningless because people say it so much to describe how much they "like" something. People that hear those words should be able to know without a shadow of a doubt that the person saying those words truly means it.

When I say that I love radio, it means that I can't live without it. It means that every time I listen to the radio, it's not fun because I'm always listening critically instead of enjoying a program leisurley. It means that I don't know how to do anything else and that I don't want to do anything else with my life.

And when I use the word love as a term of endearment to others, I mean it the same way. That being said, there's not a great amount of people that have heard the words, "I love you" come from my mouth. Those that have heard it should cherish it because they know they are in select company. That's the way we should all feel when we hear those words. It shouldn't just be should be something of substance....something that has depth.....something that has a true meaning and not the empty words they have indubitably become in the english lexicon.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Random Thoughts: Wipe me down!

With the first pick in the 2008 NFL Draft the Oakland Raiders pick. . .

I don't know if any one happened to see 60 Minutes on Sunday but Cam'ron appeared on a segment with Anderson "I can be everywhere at once" Cooper that dealt with the snitching ethos that has swept the black community. If you get the chance check out the transcripts for the interview or what the interview. Not only is he delusional but also Cam might me the dumbest rapper ever. (Which is saying a lot because I still think Wayne is kind of. . . delayed. Even though that verse from DJ Khaled's "We Taking Over is hot.") Not only does Cam say dumb ish the fact that he looks completely ridiculous doesn't help out either. The links at the bottom of the page should let you watch Cam in action.

My youngest sister thinks I'm inappropriate. I guess I am.

Here's something about myself that I've never told anyone: When I go out in public I feel inadequate because I don't have a pair of stunna shades. You can't imagine how often I've cried myself to sleep about that.

M.I.M.S. is a bigger threat to the blacks than Jim Jones.

Do white people get embarrassed when they see each other dancing like George Bush # 43? What would the white equivalent of Coonin' be called?

Ohio State Center Greg Oden announced that he is making himself eligible for this summer's NBA Draft potentially making him the second older rookie in the Association's history at the tender age of 58. (Lebron was the Oldest.) Mario, weren't they in your Pop's unit in Nam?

Random conversations you don't want to hear at work: A group of my female coworkers were complaining about the length of today's shorts that are made for girls and the fact they can't find any jeans in The GAP. In the back of mind I was thinking, "It's because you're 49 and fat! Therefore excluding you The GAP's clientele list.”

The Five Wackest Songs of the Moment: 1) Party Like A Rock Star-The Shop Boys (The Shop Boys sound like the name of a doo-wop group from the fifties.) 2) Tatted Up- The Alliance ft Fabo of D4L (Come on, Fabo? Seriously, if you suck in one group don't make a song with another.) 3) MySpace Freak-C-Side ft Jazze Pha (Atlanta is really fucking up hip-hop. By the way don't any one dare say, "What about T.I. and Outkast?" I'm not talking about them dum dum.) 4)Wipe Me Down- L'il Boosie 5) My Lip Gloss-L'il Mama (I know this is just a radio single and somebody told me she is supposed to be the next "great" femcee. She should have come better than this.)

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

"Call it a Crisis of leadership."
Proposition Joe Stewart

Part 2: Rapes, apologies, and Black Leaders.

Okay we've moved past Don Imus and now it is time for black America to do something that Imus was forced/coerced into doing; apologizing. Many black folks aren't good with the words "I'm sorry." Hell, Americans as a whole don't say the words very easy. There's usually a lot of pining and hard swallowing involved. This black man is included in the above assessment. I don't know why we can't admit we are wrong from time to time but it takes some effort. (I know many of y'all are sitting there thinking, "White people don't do it either." My response to that is this: You are most certainly right but as many older people I know say from time to time "I ain't studying them right now!" This is about us and only us.)
So who get's this apology from Black America? Three white boys who were accused of sexually assaulting the "Ahem" exotic dancer at Duke University last spring that's who. It didn't take much for us to convict the three. (No I don't know their names. It isn't important.) As soon as the collective whole of Black America heard the news stories detailing the "crime" we all had flash backs of the numerous white on black rapes that have occurred throughout our stay in the Diaspora. (I like that word.) From that moment on the three rich, white, and Duke educated men were guilty in the eyes of most blacks (Except for Gina Jones, who called a the "ahem" exotic dancers bluff from the jump. Nice call Rae Dawn.)
So this is what I propose: The Jesse Jackson's and Al Sharpton's of the world, the same people who wanted Imus to recant must in fact do the same to the three Duke Lacrosse players. The three men were set up to be railroaded and dragged off to the gallows as soon as the vultures at every random 24-hour news station broke the story. The alleged victim was looking for a come-up, an over zealous D.A. was looking for black votes, and because of this three men were about to f'd over big time. You may be thinking that we don't owe the white boys shit. Well imagine that the rolls were reversed as the have been so many times in the past. If this were Durham in the 1950's and the men brothers we'd be in the streets filled with outrage. I'm not the most religious man you'll find but doing what's right is an important belief that I do have.
Every time an issue such as Imus and the Rape Scandal at Duke arise one thing can be guaranteed: Rev. Al or Jesse Jackson will chime in on behalf of black folks. Like Proposition Joe told Stringer Bell on The Wire "We have a problem. Call it a crisis of leadership." On the national level I feel that we are more often than not represented by reactionary glory hogs who seem to only show up when their is a large problem that will garner media attention. Their solutions to ME only put band-aids where stitches should be. I've discussed MY issues about the men who are "Nominated?" to be our national representation before and they haven't change. I think if we continue to respond only when the "Reverends with talk show types" tell us to respond we will continue to appear rudderless and I think we are much better than that. Frankly, I don't think the Reverend Al, Jesse Jackson, Stanley Crouch, Julius Caesar Watts and Russell Simmons aren't bad men. My mailman isn't either but I don't want him to be my voice to the world.

Part 3 coming soon.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

We've Got Issues

"The world is going one way, people going the other . . ."
Malik "Poot" Carr

It looks like even fictitious characters even see that something is amiss with the world. Poot, a mainstay from HBO's The Wire made the above comment to describe how bad off things may be. He was telling his now departed boy, Bodie that the planet was getting warmer due to global warming but people's actions seem to be moving in the opposite direction.
Over the last three weeks a lot of doo-doo has been hitting the fan and it made me realize that this country and the many demographics in it have a lot of issues that we need to handle. I know self-reflection is usually a very frightening endeavor but at this point it is much needed.
This is bigger than Don Imus, Rape charges at Duke, lack of black leadership, or Monday's unfortunate incident at Virginia Tech: A big dose of honesty is needed before we go any further into the future.
The words "Those are some nappy-headed hoes" were the opening salvo in what would become a major incident in the media two weeks ago. I'm not going to re-hash what Don Imus said because we know the circumstances surrounding the incident. Imus is a shock jock that made a career out of being an insensitive prick. As a rule of thumb insensitive pricks with radio shows generally have listeners who are insensitive pricks. Y'all know how birds of a feather get down so I won't elaborate any further.
The post comment fallout is when the real issues arose surrounding Mr. Imus. Imus went on Al Sharpton's radio show (See the above sentence about Insensitive pricks.) to apologize/tell his side of the story/clear the air. During the interview Imus said something that struck me as very poignant. He brought up the point that rappers make comments like this about black women all of the time. (Anyone ever hear the saying about a broken watch being right twice a day?)
Imus' comment brought out responses from throughout the Hip-Hop Community. Most notably from Snoop, who had this to say in defense of hip-hop:

"It's a completely different scenario," said Snoop, barking over the phone from a hotel room in L.A. "[Rappers] are not talking about no collegiate basketball girls who have made it to the next level in education and sports. We're talking about ho's that's in the 'hood that ain't doing sh--, that's trying to get a n---a for his money. These are two separate things. First of all, we ain't no old-ass white men that sit up on MSNBC [the cable network home to Imus] going hard on black girls. We are rappers that have these songs coming from our minds and our souls that are relevant to what we feel. I will not let them mutha-----as say we in the same league as him."
I may be reading what Snoop said the wrong way but to me it came off as him saying we [blacks] can call our black women whatever we want, when we want, but you can't. I find Snoop's position ironic considering he once showed up to an awards show with two black women on leashes as if they were actual bitches. (Yes, bitch was used in the proper context.)
Don Imus is in fact an asshole, Snoop is full of shit too, but black men and women and hip hop seriously need to take a look at it self. This isn't a new argument by any stretch of the imagination but it seems to boomerang back to the forefront every couple of months. As a people we have got to stop destroying ourselves verbally and mentally on the national stage for the delight/dismay of the rest of the nation.
Brothers, we really have to get our shit together. Yes, that is an over simplified way of getting to the point. The way we treat each other and the women in our lives. Imus had a point. How can we selectively be misogynists? "She's a ho, but she can be at times." The random woman on the street is an object but our mothers, sisters, and daughters aren't? That rational makes no sense especially since we belong to a group of people who have been victims of multiple types of emotional abuse since we arrived on the continent (By-the-way, the Diaspora is a fucked up place isn't it?) we should realize by now that when we are called things long enough you either shrug it off or become that. I love hip-hop and most of the culture that comes along with it but this aspect needs to change.
Sisters, I hate to say this but y'all are to blame here too. The moment y'all put your foot down and show some solidarity for a change would be the first step in righting a lot of the misogyny that occurs in the black community. I know that isn't as nearly easy as it sounds but it has to be done. You aren't whores, bitches, or objects placed on the planet to be used up and shat upon. A little self-policing would go a long way. Like the Goodie Mob said, "You've got to respect yourself before I can."
As a generation of people we also have to lean on the music industry to straighten it's act up. The Jimmy Iovines and Russell Simmons of the world really need to check themselves. This is mostly because they have a final say in what music gets shoveled to the masses. Jimmy Iovine could probably give a fuck but Russell "I'm a black leader because I'm rich" Simmons needs to take the forefront on this issue. There are financial factors at play here but the last time I opened a magazine and saw a Baby Phat ad those were Russell's little daughters with Kimora and I'm pretty sure they aren't bitches or whores.
I know I didn't offer any concrete solutions but hopefully those who happen to read this will take something from this blog and discuss an enact some solutions among there people. Stay tuned for the second part of this rant.